Islam, Terrorism and Modern Liberal Societies

Islam, Terrorism and Modern Liberal Societies


Volume 3 Issue 2 ()

This paper seeks to find an answer to the longstanding dilemma of whether there is room for Islam in modern liberal societies by posing rhetorical questions to Western democracies and members of the Islamic faith alike. Written from the neutral perspective of an outsider, it argues that a misplaced notion of self-censorship and a mentality of constant rejection of criticism characterise Islamic responses to contemporary world controversies. The paper regards such behaviour to be hypocritical to notions of free speech and expression and calls upon Islam to take the onus of setting the record straight by resorting to peaceful and legitimate means of protest against provocations and conceptions that it seeks to deny. It argues that for Islam to live under the same umbrella as western liberalism, it needs to adapt itself and be more receptive to criticism.

Cite as: Dr. Mohammed Saif-Alden Wattad, Islam, Terrorism and Modern Liberal Societies, 3 NUJS L. Rev. 143 (2010)