Caste-ing Queer Identities

Caste-ing Queer Identities


Volume 13 Issue 3 ()

Are sexual identities caste marked? How does caste constitute same-sex desire? As a pilot study we interviewed men who identify as Dalit and gay in metropolitan cities. Our study shows that caste pervades the intimate both in how Dalit queer, desire and are desired. Ideas of purity and pollution which would be written off as caste practices found in the rural, constitute the everydayness of urban intimacy. Dalits bodies were transformed into objects of upper caste desire through stigma and violence. Caste pre-constitutes desire, curtailing its radical potential for self and societal transformational. Furthermore, the queer movement by emptying out caste is a space of upper-caste queer persons. The demands of the queer movement hence are limited to what our interlocutors referred to as “bland” politics of legalising marriage. The everyday struggles of safety and livelihood of Dalit queer and trans persons does not find a mention. The Dalit movement, while more accepting also continues to be a masculine, alienating space through its inadequate engagement with sexuality and gender. Two years after the reading down of §377, the realisation of constitutional morality and democracy in same-sex intimacies and politics remains thwarted by the graded hierarchies of caste.

Cite as: Ujithra Ponniah & Sowjanya Tamalapakula, Caste-ing Queer Identities, 13 NUJS L. Rev. 0 (2020)